Remove the 8 screws securing the top of the box.
Lft out the old element, and fit the new one. Its part number is 17210-KFK-000.
Replace the top of the air cleaner box, the fuel tank and the seat.
Coming soon....change the engine oil and oil filter. Replace the fork seals.
Aww you lost at me at the "remove the tank" bit. Surely it's not as easy as you make it sound?
The tank is held on by one bolt - you can see it with the seat off.
I had my fuel valve set to off but fuel still came out of the end of my fuel line when I disconnected it from the carburettor. To stop this I held the tank upright but that led to a trickle leaking from the valve its self. So I just moved quickly, replaced the air cleaner and put the tank back. Do you come across this problem?
Michael - it sounds to me as if you have a faulty fuel tap.
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